Demonstration Food Garden

Demonstration Food Garden

The Earthwise Garden now includes a new Demonstration Food Garden as a learning resource for the community.  The Food Garden showcases edible landscapes and demonstrates how to maximize food production in small spaces. Using the garden as a focal point for hands-on learning, we offer a variety of educational programs for local gardeners, including what to plant, how to grow it, and why to grow it organically. Growing food promotes wellness by encouraging people of all ages to eat fresh, healthy produce, and be active. What could be better than eating organic vegetables right from the garden?

We are always looking for volunteers to help us with the Demonstration Food Garden. Tilling the soil with others reaps the larger benefits of friendship, as neighbour meets neighbour while sharing a common outdoor interest. Earthwise Society’s new Demonstration Food Garden is a way to connect us all with growing food!

Contact Earthwise for more information.

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